This is the first time i have visitted your blog. Just love your illustration/painting. i love the composition and dimension that you have created in it!!! I hope you don't mind, i added you to my blog.
Hi there, thanks for all the comments! My style is acrylic on black paper. Lately I have been experimenting a lot with Photoshop using dry brushes to create even more texture on top of the acrylic. Love the digital, but my first love and education is based on getting my hands and my clothes dirty with colors! Take care.
lol I thought I knew everything about chickens but I didnt know there was a phobia of chickens. I love this illo so much- the chicken is so powerful! hahah!
ha! funny! you have great style too, beautiful.
ciao omonima! :-)
bello il disegno, mi piace l'ombra
ciao ciao
This is great...perfectly illustrates how phobias work!
Ouissi x
So cute!
Just perfect! He looks absolutely petrified!
Me gusta mucho el juego de la sombra es muy común en la infancia.
great illustration. love the idea
Awww. Fearing a chicken is like fearing a morning cup of coffee. Must be terrible.
Great illustration.
that's great!
hm, I've just started to say that it illustrates phobias perfectly when I noticed that ouissi gresty said the same thing :D
Thanks for the message! Deeply appreciate it!
Take care - Michelle
This is awesome!Amazing idea Francesca! I love it!
that's so great! love the mood, the idea, and your technique... =D
Oh boy! That really scared me. Wonderful illustration!
I love the scary shadow of the chicken - great illo!
Wonderful! What a great style you have.
Che bellaaaaaa!1
hi Francy,
This is the first time i have visitted your blog. Just love your illustration/painting. i love the composition and dimension that you have created in it!!! I hope you don't mind, i added you to my blog.
Sulea :o)
absolutly love it!
Great dark look to this-that innocent enough chicken and the monster of a shawdow, only the little boy can see-nasty phobia. Love your artistic style!
this is great!! haha he looks fantastic!
Hermoso trabajo, beatiful work
ahh those evil chickens ! There must be something that scares them too :-) Take your revenge, boy !
fantastic! such great lighting. is this pastels?
Hi there, thanks for all the comments! My style is acrylic on black paper. Lately I have been experimenting a lot with Photoshop using dry brushes to create even more texture on top of the acrylic. Love the digital, but my first love and education is based on getting my hands and my clothes dirty with colors! Take care.
lol I thought I knew everything about chickens but I didnt know there was a phobia of chickens. I love this illo so much- the chicken is so powerful! hahah!
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